DocMem 1.0 - 4/14/95 /**********************************************************************/ /** Memory allocation bound checking routines. **/ /** -------------------------------------------------------------- **/ /** Written and released into the public domain 1995 by Brian Reed **/ /** (aka Doc Raster) CIS 73503,3364 or **/ /** -------------------------------------------------------------- **/ /** Use at your own risk. **/ /**********************************************************************/ DocMem is a replacement set of calls for use in debugging dynamic DOS memory allocations in your C programs. Currently, DocMem is a simplified system and may be too bulky or slow for larger applications. The goal of DocMem is really only as a learning tool for myself, and as a help tool for those learning dynamic allocation techniques. To add DocMem to an existing application, you'll want to add a call to DOCstart() at the very beginning of your program, and a call to DOCend() at the end of your program. Include DOCMEM.H in your application source code and compile/link DOCMEM.C in. Then use DOCfarmalloc() and DOCfarfree() on the allocations you wish to test, instead of farmalloc() and farfree(). When you free memory, DocMem checks that you have not exceeded the bounds of the allocation. At any time, you may 'assert' pointer variables to assure they point to memory you've allocated, and that the memory has not been wildly over-written. Be sure to see the MAIN.C test file for examples of how to use DocMem, and the errors that it can detect. Before releasing code, you'll want to remove DocMem from your program, because the searching and testing will slow down your application. Alternatively, once you've tested your program you might make a macro that converts calls like DOCfarmalloc() to farmalloc(). All feedback is appreciated! If you wish to add to this utility, let me know and I'll get the latest source to you first. =============================================================== FUNCTION REFERENCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCstart() Prototype: void DOCstart(void); Description: Start operation of the DocMem allocation system. This must be used, and should appear at the very start of your program. Parameters: NONE Returns: NOTHING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCend() Prototype: int DOCend(void); Description: Terminate operation of the DocMem allocation system. Do this at the very end of your program. If un-freed (hanging) memory allocations are found, these will automatically be asserted, then freed. Parameters: NONE Returns: If there are no un-freed allocations, returns DOC_OK, otherwise DOC_UNFREED is returned. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCfarmalloc() Prototype: void _far * DOCfarmalloc(unsigned long nbytes); Description: The replacement for farmalloc(). Used the same as farmalloc(). Parameters: nbytes = A long integer specifying bytes to allocate. Returns: On SUCCESS, a far pointer to the allocated memory. On FAILURE, a NULL pointer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCfarfree() Prototype: int DOCfarfree(void _far *block); Description: The replacement for farfree(). Used the same as farfree(). Before the memory is freed, it will be asserted as an integrity check. Parameters: A far pointer to the memory to be free'd. Returns: If successful, returns DOC_OK. Otherwise, DOC_LOWADDR or DOC_INVALID will be returned. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCfarassert() Prototype: int DOCfarassert(char *label, void _far *block); Description: This call 'asserts' a pointer. If you give it an exact allocation base, it will check to see if the memory has been overwritten. If you pass an arbitrary pointer, it will try to find what allocation it belongs to, then test that allocation for overwrite. Parameters: label = Text label to be output to DOCMEM.LOG for reference. block = The far pointer to assert. Returns: If the pointer points to memory you've allocated, and that memory is not over-written, then DOC_OK is returned. If the pointer is invalid or the area is overwritten, the appropriate error is returned. See DOCMEM.H for each error's value. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOClog_write() Prototype: int DOClog_write(char *label, int err, void _far *ptr) Description: Output a message to the logfile. Normally this is used by DocMem itself, but you may call it to dump a label and pointer value to the log file. For this, use DOC_USER as the err value. Note that printing a pointer this way does NOT assert it. Parameters: label = A user text string up to 20 characters long. err = Specify DOC_USER to indicate this is a user log message. ptr = A far pointer that will be be output to the log line. Returns: The value of the input argument 'err'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCerr_string() Prototype: char * DOCerr_string(int err); Description: Return a pointer to a string corresponding to the given error. Parameters: A DocMem error value. Returns: A string pointer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCerr_last() Prototype: int DOCerr_last(void); Description: Retrieve the last DocMem error value. Parameters: NONE Returns: The last DocMem error value. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCerr_set() Prototype: void DOCerr_set(int err); Description: Set the DocMem error value. most often used to clear the error value with DOC_OK. Parameters: The desired value to take place as the last error value Returns: NOTHING =============================================================== ERROR MEANINGS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOC_OK 0 This value represents 'no error'. DOC_LOWADDR 1 This means a pointer was used that has a suspiciously low value, like NULL (0). DOC_CORRUPT 2 This message will appear when the memory of DocMem itself is over-written. DOC_INVALID 3 The asserted pointer does not point within any area allocated using DocMem. DOC_OVERRUN 4 The allocated memory has been exceeded at the top end. DOC_UNDERRUN 5 The allocated memory has been exceeded at the low end. DOC_UNFREED 6 This means that when DOCend() was called, memory that had been allocated by your program has not been freed. DOC_UNKNOWN 8 The error is an unknown error number.